Tag Archives: photography

LIFE: Spend a Day with Me

15 Aug

I had a pretty event-filled weekend.

Food + Shopping + Movie = Fun.

I picked up a birthday gift from Sephora and a faux suede blazer from Zara in XS. S. saw two “celebrities”, but I didn’t recognize them at all…apparently, both were supporting supporting actors…so they don’t have big roles. I rarely see celebs, but that’s because I don’t recognize a lot of them unless they’re really famous.

Anyways, here’s a small glimpse of Saturday.

Money Spent: $121.19

  • Food: $20
  • Clothing: $87.69
  • Makeup: Free
  • Movie: $13.50

After this weekend, I’m not going to buy any more clothes for the rest of the month. I’ve been spending way too much lately and I need to tone it down.

I wanted everything at Zara but I narrowed it down to two items…a ruffled suede obi belt or the suede blazer…I chose the blazer because it fit so well.

Darn you new fall arrivals!

Thinking about the Vacay

12 Aug

I got some travel photos from my friend’s camera, so I’ll post a couple of them from the trip to Lake Havasu.

The vacation house that we stayed at was fully decorated and themed out…it felt a bit like a B&B, but more spacious. Three bedrooms, two bath, and a large front yard and backyard…it was nice for once to spend a vacation at a house instead of a hotel. I like hotels, but sometimes, I want something more cozy and this place was perfect.

Since I’ve been back, I’ve been lazy so I don’t wear very interesting outfits, but everyone has those days.

Outfit Details: Martin + Osa pullover sweater – XS, J.Crew Favorite Fit Everyday Chinos – 00P (waist taken in), Aldo pumps

I’m Back! =)

11 Aug

Arizona was so nice, I wish I could have stayed longer!

I took a couple of photos, but we were in the water most of the time so I didn’t have the opportunity. I got to go cliff jumping and that was amazing!

Since we’re away from the smog of LA, I got to see a dry thunderstorm in the distance, bright stars at night, and feel the warm breeze in the middle of the night. It was so refreshing and different, I was totally relaxed.

Now, it’s back to reality.

Outfit Details: American Eagle cardigan- XS, Target dress – XS, DIY necklace (gift), Castañer flats

Fun with Portraits

14 Jul

I was testing out a new lighting setup the other day and took a couple of shots to check how things looked. Sadly, my camera was having a fit and wouldn’t focus properly so all the photos were slightly blurry.

Instead of running to a corner and crying for all that wasted effort, I set my sights on something different. I used the blurriness to my advantage with Photoshop to make them “painted”.

But as for the lighting setup, I need about two more lights to make it just right, a hair light and a secondary fill. Bah! Only I would do something so nit-picky…who really cares about having a light kit?

Most of the time, I use natural light from the patio window but I’m becoming dissatisfied with the shadows in the photos. It would be awesome to take pictures outdoors, but taking them on my own makes me nervous of onlookers. So finding better ways to take photos indoors is my primary solution.

Foodie-Ville: Jin Patisserie

8 May

I have been waiting FOREVER to go inside this cute little patisserie.

After several weeks of pining, I took a quick detour down Abbott Kinney to pick up a box of Parisian macaroons to go since I didn’t have much time to spend there. I have tried macaroons twice before and both times were disappointing. Either the crust was too hard or the macaroon was too sweet…I was desperately hoping that Jin Patisserie would turn it all around.

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